Aleksandar Nikolov

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Aleksandar Nikolov, es CEO y fundador de PHILMIT PRODUCTIONS. Nacido en la ciudad de Sofía (Bulgaria) desde muy joven despertó un gran interés por el mundo de la producción. Con más de veinte años de experiéncia en rodajes dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras, Álex estudió Cine y Producción cinematográfica en la Escuela Septima Arts en la ciudad de Madrid (España), tras cursar sus estudios y participar en varios proyectos como videos institucionales, spots musicales, publicidades, largometrajes, regresó a su ciudad natal dónde preside la compañía en 2015. Ha llevado a cabo más de 100 proyectos audiovisuales en el que destacan: publicidad, cine y televisión.

Carlos Mestanza

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Carlos Mestanza, es actor y productor cinematografico con una destacada trayectoria empresarial y formación actoral, que engloba Teatro, Cine y Televisión a lo largo de más de 25 años. En 2015 funda en Madrid American Road Film, productora audiovisual con sede en Madrid y equipo de trabajo en Los Angeles (USA). En 2023 se incoprora en PHILMIT PRODUCTIONS como socio y productor de la compañía. Entre sus producciones más destacadas cabe destacar el videoclip Gypsy Laydy del Ganador del Grammy Latino Diego Twanguero filmado en Los Ángeles y distribuido mundialmente por Warner Music. Sus dos últimas películas producidas en 2021: 8AÑOS de JD Alcázar y STOYAN de Roberto Ruiz Céspedes, llevan un total de 100 selecciones en todo el Mundo y más de 180 Premios Internacionales, 60 de ellos a Mejor Película. En la actualidad Carlos Mestanza cuenta con 11 Premios a Mejor Productor en festivales internacionales de ciudades como: Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Londres, París, Roma, Cannes y Hollywood.

Iván Mena-Tinoco

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He is an artistic rebel who defies traditional storytelling. As a multidisciplinary director and writer, he constantly pushes boundaries. He creates fearless commercials, mind-blowing short films, and electrifying music videos, always with a revolutionary approach. His foundation in piano and guitar education in Spain led to a fearless artistic journey. With a degree in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies, he honed his expertise as a VFX Compositor at DNEG in London. The shortfilm “Through the Breaking Glass” brought Iván international recognition and awards, including an “Honorable Mention of the Jury” at Palm Springs. This success led to directing the game-changing “Beer Country” commercial for Budweiser’s Super Bowl Campaign in New York. Now diving into narrative filmmaking, Iván works on “Birth,” a supernatural horror feature with writer Thomas Vowles, and “Essence,” a sci-fi horror feature. With daring creativity and relentless drive, he continues to shake up the film industry, pushing storytelling to the edge.

Gabriel Beristáin

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DoP, Director, Writer

Beristain was born in México City, the son of actor Luis Beristain. His interest in filmmaking began with his collaboration in the Mexico's indie film scene. He studied Economy and Sociology and formed part of the first prom of the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica de México. After filming some documentaries, founded a small production company before moving to Europe to continue his film education in the Britain's National Film and TV School. In the Unites States had worked in more than 70 productions, such as the latest Black Widow (Marvel Studios), Harold and the Purple Crayon (Sony Pictures) and he is currently filming The Bee Keeper, starred by Jason Statham and directed by David Ayer. He worked with renown filmmakers such as David Mamet, Derek Jarman, Roland Joffe, Guillermo del Toro, Antoine Fuqua and David Ayer, just to list some of many of them. Beside of cinema Gabriel had worked also in TV commercials, music videos (as the famous Aerosmith's trilogy: "Crazy", "Crying" and "Amazing") and TV series such as Hawaii Five-0, Exit Strategy, Magic City and McGyver. Further to that, a special mention to Gabriel's work with the Marvel Studios productions, where he had been one of the regular Directors of Photography, having worked in renowned films and series such as Blade II, Blade Trinity, the Iron Man's trilogy, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: Ragnarok, Thor: The Dark World, Hawkeye, Agent Carter, and Black Widow, among others.

Rhoda N. Wainwright

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Born in Madrid to a British mother and a Spanish father, is a film director and novelist. Her first published novel "She loves you" won the Escriduende Award for the most Inciting novel of 2013 at the Madrid Book Fair. With more than 20 years of professional experience behind her in magazines, film, television and advertising, she has had the opportunity to work alongside illustrious Directors such as Oliver Stone and Paul Greengrass. She has specialized in different disciplines of the film process such as Production, Direction and Screenwriting, which gives her a deep knowledge of the Industry. Her short film "Waiting" was selected in nearly 40 international film festivals around the world. She is also the Co-Founder of Mrs. Greenfilm a consultancy firm specialized in reducing the environmental impacts of audiovisual productions.

Jaime Valdueza

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I’m a seasoned creative with a diverse reel of engaging content. My experience ranges from directing branded content and music videos to editing and supervising post production for commercials and feature films. I thrive to see an idea grow to its full potential and bring it to a cohesive vision to every project I work on.